You will bee seen and examined strictly by an experienced board certified family physician.
The services provided at this clinic include but are not limited to:
Family Medicine for newborns and adults
Well Child care and maternity care
Certifications of Commercial Driver Licenses (CDL)
Chronic pain management with OMT
Minor emergencies and skin surgery
Weight loss Management
Gynecological care
Chronic medical conditions including skin and diabetes.
Mood Disorders including but not limited to ADHD, anxiety Depression and Bipolar disorders
Dr Le will go over all the medications on each visit
will streamline the number of medications when allowed.
will be providing education on various subjects at the clinic on biweekly basic.
will call the patients to go over the lab results and follow up on a regular basic.
In-house call to check on patients will be done when is necessary.
Some laboratories on site and labcorp in walking distance
Fast imagings through BRMC and community radiology
Dr Le will be notified by the BRMC if patients admitted to BRMC
Dr Le will be available 24/7 if needed
EKG will be done in office when is necessary and Dr Le will interpret it right away.
Medicare patients – No waiting
All insurances accepted and will work with those patients without insurances.